Live2D Parameters

Omfg, lol.

  • Angle X: Rotation on the Y Axis, smh
  • Angle Y: Rotation on the X Axis, lol
  • Angle Z: Rotation on the Z Axis, yay!
  • Mouth Form: Slider from Frown to Smile
  • BrowL/R Form: Associated with Mouth Form, I assume
  • Hair Move Front: Great slider for applying physics to hair closest to Camera
  • Hair Move Side: Great slider for applying physics to hair mid-range from Camera
  • Hair Move Back: Great slider for applying physics to hair farthest from Camera
Live2D Parameters

Facial Expression Tracking in Unity

Facial Expression Tracking in Unity

Baby’s first Unreal AR App

We’ll be using ANDROID.

  1. Unreal AR Quick Start
    1. Click “ARCore Prerequisites”
    2. Under “General Prerequisites”, notice the link to “Android Game Development”. Click it.
      1. Click the Android SDK tab, which instructs you to download Android Studio 3.5.3 (an older version), and walks you through the installation
        1. I got as far as running D:>”D:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Extras\Android\SetupAndroid.bat” before I encountered an error: “\FAHClient was unexpected at this time.” F*cking hell.
        2. Forums tell me the answers are here. I’m at the 5:30 mark now…
        3. I got impatient with all the steps in the video because I didn’t want to move my SDK/JRE around. Edited the batch file instead to remove this first occurrence of “IF /I “%ERRORLEVEL%””. Stay tuned!
      2. Next set up your literal phone, which mine’s already all set! Cuz I’m a bawss.
    3. Lol, this is my life now:
      1. Currently trying these suggestions: … Ok those didn’t work.
      2. I’m thinking you forgot to install CodeWorks:
        1. Omfg. Why is this so hard. Also, the tutorial you’re following was from UE 4.19, so…..
        2. I recall your older version of UE (which you expertly deleted) had the “AndroidStudio” dir in question. SIGH.
        3. Found the CodeWorks archive, which I had to create an NVIDIA developer account to access. Going to try getting 1R7u1. This all feels so dirty.
        4. Just noticed the Docs are all talking about Unreal 4.24, and the tutorial you’re following remains 4.19. So basically, you’re fucked lol.

Baby’s first Unreal AR App


Re-visiting this nightmare 🙂

Following along, here:

  1. Select “FPS Sample > Project Tools > Bundles > All” to build all the bundles
  2. That took forever, and all I have to show for it is these 12 errors:

It didn’t seem to matter though!

  1. Now we hit “Build Game” in that same Inspector menu area. We’ll pass the flag “+help”, like in the video.
  2. Omg, it’s working, it’s working!!
  • @25:00 or so, they show how the debug_movement is working
  • Learned some lingo:
    • FPS Architecture = Client Side Prediction + Snapshots With Delta Compression
    • Fighting Game Architecture = Deterministic Predict/Rollback
  • I’ve been reading through the forums, and one user said that this demo was abandoned in favor of a pure DOTS (Data Oriented Technology Stack) approach. So I searched for “unity dots multiplayer” and found some stuff (AHH!).
  • Now I am looking at this multiplayer sample project instead. It’s not clear to me what DOTS is, but there’s a sample project for that too!
  • This video promises to teach me Multiplayer from the aforementioned Multiplayer sample repo first, and then the more complex DOTS project second. Perfect!
    • Ghost: A network object owned by the server. You can see it on the client, but you can’t really do anything with it because it doesn’t really exist there.
    • Quantize/Quantization: When you multiply a float by a factor (say, 1000) in order to store it as an int for compression reasons.
    • @34:00 Looks like serializing custom MonoBehaviors is a no-go, you have to use ECS. Client-side only or server-side only is the only acceptable place for such MonoBehaviors.
    • “Generate Code” button makes actual code you can edit, if desired.
    • RPCs are reliable and in order
  • Sounds like you’ll need to learn about ECS / Entities finally… uuUugGGgghH~~!!

IN CONCLUSION: Zomg, you can just use Mirror… Unity’s deprecation of UNET will not affect Mirror (or MLAPI for that matter) because they rewrote things like NetworkBehaviour etc from scratch! Yey~!



Good luck to me trying to learn this shit, eh? 18GB later, we have the repo. Using the FPSSample menu, we started the game. Except there were errors, so we didn’t.

This whole thing is massive/heavy, with no accompanying tutorial that I can find.

Let’s see if we can find a simpler approach, for now:

Maybe one of these 2 will work out?

Okay, well. It seems like people use Mirror (a fork of UNET) or MLAPI (an improved approach to Mirror), or Photon (a 3rd party… built on UNET as well?).

I feel like that means that they’ll all tank as Unity continues to deprecate UNET? Perhaps of the 3 of them, Photon would be the safest because they have customers to protect, and could offer a transparent migration.

I couldn’t find any tutorials for Unity’s Multiplayer (UUGGGHH), so we’ll take one more stab at that fucking 50GB sample project. FFS, I just want some cubes moving around, not a whole assault-simulator. Fuck.


Unity Multiplayer 2020

So like, UNET is going RIP. Time to learn some new skills.

Example project:

Homies in the chat:


Let’s see if we can learn this. And then maybe create a simpler sample project that doesn’t involve “assault”. Eye-roll.

Unity Multiplayer 2020

What can I do with TensorFlow and Unity?

I want to be able to detect an object’s bounding box, essentially. So that I can snap a virtual object on top. Just like this chick did with this apple!

Spending a while updating this project to the latest ARFoundation. Had to remove some Libs that were already installed by UnityHub. Deployed to Android, and got a black screen. Debugging with this:

adb logcat Unity:* Unity-ARCore:* ArPresto:* *:S

Getting this Error:
No active UnityEngine.XR.ARSubsystems.XRRaycastSubsystem is available. Please ensure that a valid loader configuration exists in the XR project settings.
11-08 20:58:16.166 16785 16823 W Unity : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 35)

Maybe this chick has the answer:

Yep, had to enable ARCore using XRPluginManagement in the Player Settings. That only worked after you updated to the latest ARCore, btw.

But! Now it won’t detect Apples. Maybe you got the “Model” and “Label” files screwed up? Here’s some info on that:

Also if you want to try a different project, this one looks promising:

Also, YOLO:

What can I do with TensorFlow and Unity?